Weird n' Wild Creatures Wiki

Not to be confused with the Giant Whip Scorpion.

Tailless whip scorpions are cousins of both spiders and scorpions, but these arachnids are actually a creature apart. They don't weave webs or have killer stings on their tails, but these predators are still deadly to their victims. Whip-like front legs help find prey, strong, spiked "claws" trap victims and pointed jaws finish them off.

Ready Whips: These arachnids' first pair of legs has evolved into a pair of long thin "whips." They are covered in tiny hairs that detect scent and feel vibrations made by the movement of other creatures. They can even be used to lure curious prey.

The Claw: What look like claws are actually the tailless whip scorpion's pedipalps, which arachnids ordinarily use as feelers. They have become a mechanism not for feeling but for catching victims. They are covered with spikes to hold prey tightly.

Crack the Whip[]

Tailless Whip Scorpion Back Image

The whip scorpion's claws hold an iron grip on the strongest of victims.

Tailless whip scorpions work the night shift. During the day, these creatures stay hidden under a loose shelter, such as a piece of bark. When night falls, the predator extends its whip-like feeler legs to explore for potential prey. When an insect crawls over the feelers, the whip scorpion jumps out and grabs it with spiked claws, then quickly dices up the prey with sharply pointed jaws.

Sideswipe: When tailless whip scorpions hunt and sprint after prey, they move sideways, like a crab. They always point one of their long feeler-legs in the direction they're moving.

Flattop: A flattened body helps these small creatures stay low to the ground. They can easily crawl into tight crevices if threatened by enemies.

Antenna Ambush[]

  1. As night falls, a tailless whip scorpion stays in its daytime hiding spot to hunt. Using its whip-like legs as antennae, the predator extends them out into the open. A cockroach fails to notice and walks right over them.
  2. As soon as the roach touches the legs, a signal is sent to the tailless whip scorpion's brain. The predator has almost no vision, but it knows that prey is near. It springs from its hiding spot and clamps down on the roach. Within minutes, the prey's body is devoured.

Trading Card[]


  • The knowledge card says Tailless Whip Scorpions. The trading card says Tailless Whip Scorpion.
  • The tailless whip scorpion appears as prey on the army ants card.
  • The tailless whip scorpion is featured in Lethal Weapons on Monster Mania 31.